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Erasmus+ “Road to Green Future”: Eco-Sustainable Initiatives and Cultural Exchanges in Latvia

Immagine del redattore: Sabrina roadtogreenfutureSabrina roadtogreenfuture

The third mobility of the Erasmus+ “Road to Green Future” Project, 2022-1-LV01-KA210-SCH-000082391, took place from May 6 to 10 in Daugavpils, the second-largest city in Latvia and a crucial communication hub between Western Europe and Russia. Teachers from the Spanish, Italian, and Turkish teams met with their Latvian counterparts to identify and develop a series of eco-sustainable activities to be implemented in their schools in order to fight climate change.

During the first day of meetings, the teachers learned about the Latvian territory, environment, and nature, discovering its history, culture, landscape, and significant landmarks. They visited the Basilica of Aglona, one of the most important Catholic churches in the country, and the Andrupene farm-village, where residents still use medicinal plants from the surrounding forests for healing. Excursions to the protected marshland area of the Razna National Park and the Karalkans Park enriched and completed the experience.

Afterwards, the teachers visited the local school to understand the Latvian educational system and promote the exchange of best practices. The "Program to Combat Climate Change," developed after the March mobility in Italy, was presented with the aim of raising awareness and educating the school community about climate change and encouraging concrete actions to achieve sustainable development goals. Participants attended lectures on "Climate Change and Sustainable Choices" and were engaged in a "Recycling Workshop" with primary school teachers and students, planting flowers in pots made from recycled materials to beautify local kindergartens.

In the afternoon, they visited Daugavpils University and participated in the seminar "Emys-R Project and Pan-European Approach" on environmental protection, sustainable development, and the social responsibility of educational institutions. Additionally, in the Molecular Biology laboratory, a researcher explained how global warming has significantly altered the fauna of Latvia's wetland areas.

Jurmala, a town on the Baltic Sea, was the setting for the final project activities. Teachers from Spain, Italy, Turkey, and Latvia visited the coastal ecosystem, whose flora and fauna are heavily threatened by climate change. On the same day, they traveled to Riga, whose historic center has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1997. During World War II, Latvia’s capital was the scene of clashes between Russian and German forces, and in more recent years, it was the backdrop for protests and mass movements that led to the Baltic States' independence from Russia after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

The last day at Daugavpils school began with music and local folklore, featuring a lesson on traditional Latvian dances, which the Erasmus teachers participated in, dancing with young students dressed in traditional attire. To conclude this week filled with experiences, meetings, and exchanges of best educational practices, the Latvian school organized an exciting final ceremony for the awarding of certificates and exchange of gifts.

The final stage of the Erasmus project will take place from October 14 to 18 in Ankara, Turkey.

The Erasmus Italian Team

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